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Bathtub Installation costs

A New Bathtub Is an Easy Way to Update a Bathroom
How much does it cost to install a bathtub?
Purchasing the bathtub is often the greatest cost associated with this project. Prices vary widely depending upon the size of the tub and the materials it is constructed from. A basic bathtub may cost $200, but it's possible to spend more than $1000 on a large, luxurious model. Most bathtubs fixtures can be installed with an average of four hours of labor, which costs approximately $280. This includes installing leveling supports and a level ledger strip. The tub is then secured to the walls and sealed. Labor also involves the time needed to acquire the materials and equipment and cleaning up after the job is done. An extra cost of about $40 is typically necessary to cover mounting hardware, connectors and fittings.
The labor part for bathtub installation costs should be between $230 - $380
Homeowners switching from a standard rectangular tub to one that is much larger or has a significantly different configuration will have a more complex project that may require another three hours of labor at $210.

Bathtub installation estimate

If you need an estimate for a bathtub installation by a professional plumber, you're in the right place.
Fill i the form on the right part, or give us a call, and we'll deliver your request for an estimate to 4 local plumbers. Get the quote that suits your budget, and get the job done .
Check out some of the leading brands for which we offer service:
Whirlpool bathtubs installations,

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