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Hayward Superpump Parts

Hayward Super Pumps have many models and many applications but all of the hayward superpumps you the same types of parts, but just vary by horsepower and models. Learning and understanding what parts make up your superpump and how they work will let you diagnose and troubleshoot problems with your pump in the future if they happen to arise and will leave you prepared.

Standard Parts that make up your hayward superpump
• The Pump Housing

The pump housing has many uses for the pump. The water flows though the pump housing into the impeller and then the impeller throws the water into the discharge side of the pump. The pump housing contains the impeller, seal, strainer basket and is also what the plumbing is hooked up to for the suction and discharge sides of the pump.
• The Pump Motor

The electric pump motor is the heart and the driving force of the hayward superpump, The motor runs on either 120 / 200 volts and depending on what size your pump is will determain what size motor is installed on the back of the wet end of the pump.
• The Seal and Impeller

The seal and the impeller are two very important parts of the pump and for different reason as well.The impeller works by throwing the water out of the discharge side of the pump.

The seal, make the space between the motor shaft and the pump wet end sty nice and dry or otherwise known as sealed, no pun intended.
• The Gaskets and Strainers

The gaskets and Drain Plugs are both very important to the the pump, and without these two small elements the pump would either operate poorly or not operate at all.

There are three main gaskets on the hayward superpump, the housing gasket, the pump lid gasket and the impeller gasket or also called a "water sling"

The Drain plugs are very important to the pump as well, if the drain plugs are to loose they will create air leaks on the suction side of the pump, if they are tightened properly they preform as they should. The drain plugs are also there for the reason being that when you go to winterize or drain your filter system, they come in handy

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