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The Talk of the Office: Installing a Water Cooler in Your Business

Nowadays, water coolers are an inseparable feature of almost all office. Not only are they allow the employees to drink, but they constitute a good reason for getting up from the desk every once in a while. Before purchasing and installing a cooler, there are some technical factors to consider.

The traffic area for your drinking fountain will determine your water flow. Heavy traffic would require a water flow of eight gallons per hour, for example, so that the water cooler can always keep the water chilled. Vandalism is a common problem in heavy traffic areas, for which vandal-resistant water coolers are available.

If you have to meet state and federal requirements defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), you have to install a bi-level water cooler which is accessible to wheelchair users as well. Besides the height, the location of the cooler is important. If it is located outside, it needs a special finish to combat corrosion. If temperatures are freezing, a freeze-resistant valve system has to be incorporated.

The choice between a chilled and a non-refrigerated water cooler is the existence of a cooling system. If a power source is not readily available, non-refrigerated fountains are installed. The plumbing fixtures are dependent on the model used, whether the fountain is wall-mounted or floor-mounted. Check out the commercial plumbing of the area to ascertain the plumbing lines that can be used for the water-cooler. The brand, price, style and design of the water-cooler or fountain will be entirely according to your needs, because there is a huge variety in the market.

A replacement of a water-cooler or a fountain is easiest if it is the same brand, because the plumbing system often matches it well. But, if another brand meets your preference, you can always adjust the plumbing to the new system. Consult your commercial plumbers before selecting the perfect cooler for your office.

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