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How to Prevent Outdoor Plumbing Problems

Your outdoor plumbing can include water distribution to your garden, lawn, pool and your barbecue area. The wear and tear of plumbing as well as digging may cause plumbing problems in the long run.

In order to prevent outdoor plumbing problems it is important to get your backyard plumbing problems organized. Color code the pipes in your diagram, so that any kind of work done in future can use the diagram as reference and avoid serious damages.

Exposed pipes break in course of time as they become brittle. Irrigation pipes are often exposed to the sun, which can break down the pipe. Avoid using cheap UV-pipes and use covering for pipes wherever possible for longer life.

Roots are a major hindrance to outdoor plumbing. They can cause stress on the pipe, get into pipe joints and cause leaks. You can install plastic root guards around the roots when you are planting a tree. Root guards are available in a variety of sizes and can prevent problems because they redirect lateral tree roots deeper into the soil.

In areas with severe winters, hose bibs freeze and irrigation back flow is prevented due to the cold. When water freezes in the pipe, the pipe expands and breaks. If you install another valve inside your house, the problem with the hose bibs can be prevented. You can then turn off the water inside and then put on the bib so that the water in the line can be drained and the outside pipe does not freeze. If you install insulation your back flow can be prevented as well. But, before water starts freezing, you should drain and turn off the irrigation lines, so that the pipeline has no water in it.

Educate your gardener about handling the sprinklers, because sprinkler breaks can easily be avoided if the gardener is careful while mowing the lawn or using his shovel.

To prevent outdoor plumbing problems and emergencies, ask professional plumbers to conduct regular maintenance checks of your outdoor plumbing fixtures and appliances.

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