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How to Avoid a Plumbing Emergency in Winter 2011

If you maintain your plumbing system properly, you will most probably not be burdened with emergency plumbing problems, nor will you be required to find emergency plumbers. It can save you a lot of money and you can prevent an emergency plumbing breakdown in the middle of the winter season. If you service and maintain your plumbing regularly, the chances of a plumbing problem are greatly reduced.

In order to carry out regular maintenance it is important for you to hire reliable plumbing contractors. Hire plumbers who have a license and are bonded, because unprofessional plumbers may be cheaper initially, but do not guarantee you good quality work. A professional and experienced plumber will have the knowledge and the skill to conduct thorough maintenance of the plumbing system, and will be using modern technical equipment for job.

However, there are some simple plumbing tips that you can follow in order to prevent an emergency plumbing situation. Firstly, it is important to prevent any blocks in your sewers, because if there are sewer backups, there can be major problems. Do not throw diapers, paper towels, hygiene products, wet towels, food or any other debris into the sewer line. Secondly, tree roots can cause severe plumbing problems by damaging the sewer lines. A plumber can identify the location of the tree roots and repair the damage.

Thirdly, avoid pouring grease through the kitchen sink as it can block the drains after a period of time. Dispose of it in the trash can. Also, no grease should be poured down the toilet as well, as it can block the sewage lines.

These tips can help you to save money on emergency plumbers. Before an emergency plumbing situation arises it is best to contact your plumbing contractor as soon as you experience any kind of problem, so that you can prevent a more serious situation.

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