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Is Your Septic Tank Leaking?

It is actually quite easy to find out whether your septic tank is leaking without the help of professional plumbers. Follow this check list and you can detect the problem quite fast and efficiently too.

Foul odors are the first indication of a septic tank leak. We often tend to ignore the foul odors, by thinking that the odor is either from within the house, or from waste water. Actually you might often believe that the odor is emanating from your waste water fixtures, and overlook it, just like the foul odor coming from your septic tank outside your house.

If the septic tank is making peculiar noises, as if there is a struggle inside it to move the waste products, there is something wrong. Sometimes there may be gurgling noises inside the tank and the strange noises occur when you are flushing the toilet, running the bathtub water or sink or even running the washing machine.

If the septic tank is leaking near your lawn or somewhere in your property, there are bound to be some spots where there is no grass growing or just being permanently wet. This should send you a message that there is something wrong with your septic tank and should be looked into immediately.

There could be other obvious indications as well, but some of these clues would tell you that there is a leak in your septic tank. If you sense any kind of problem, it is best to take professional help from plumbing services. The possible solutions have to be researched and most of the time, the kind of work involving septic tank repair can only be handled by plumbers who are used to such plumbing problems.

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