1. Gold PackageAdvertise in Multiple Websites
  2. Pay Per Lead PackagePay for what you get

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You are here: Homepage » News and PRs » July 2010

Statistical Data for July 2010

Figures for July 2010 show that like previous months, aplumbers.com is continuing to grow. Throughout July Aplumbers welcomed as much as 20 new plumbing members to her network, and enjoyed a 12.5% traffic growth.

Find below more information on aplumbers.com activity for July 2010:

20 new plumbing contractors joined aplumbers.com during July 2010, a 2.1% growth in new advertisers compared to previous month.

- 4 opted for the Gold program and received an eye catching advertisement on all 3 of APlumbers plumbing network websites - www.emergency-plumbing.com, www.commercial-plumbing.com and www.aplumbers.com.

- 3 selected the Silver program and received an attention grabbing advertisement on their respective location pages on APlumbers.

-13 added their business details for free on the Free Section on APlumbers.

During July traffic grow by as much as 12.5% with about 27, 000 people using aplumbers.com to obtain multiple plumbing quotes. This traffic was mostly generated by organic results in search engines and advertisements.

Las Vegas generated the most number of leads for this month.

Water related plumbing solutions were the most popular jobs requested for July.

Emergency.com turned over the most number of leads. Online forms generated over 22% of the leads submitted to APlumbers network.

David Jones to aplumbers.com, "Both plumbers and customers benefit from aplumbers.com network. While plumbing members are provided with a great advertising platform and a chance to reach a wider scope of customers… people visit our network not only to find plumbers, but also to find helpful information on a wide range of plumbing issues".

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