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Drain Cleaning

Get a professional plumber do your drain cleaning. Fill up the form or simply call us for a local plumber to clean the drain and any other piping issues in your home.


If your problem is a plugged floor drain, plugged sewer line, blocked toilet, clogged sink or a root problem- contact APlumbers to get your home's piping issues resolved by pro's . We will clear all blockages and have your drains flowing.

Drain cleaning estimate

Get an estimate for drain cleaning in your home. Fill up the form or call us, and a local expert plumber will contact you, and if needed come to explore the problem and provide you with an estimate for drain cleaning

Weekly drain cleaning is your first line of defense against a range of drainage problems. Eco-friendly awareness is slowly but surely seeping into home plumbing maintenance. When it comes to blocked drains more people resort to green drain cleaning practices over employing commercial drain cleaners.

Need help with your drain system maintenance? Simply submit the form on your right and receive multiple plumbing estimates.

Drain Cleaning Methods

The following drain cleaning methods include simple household ingredients that eradicate clogs and keep drains trouble free.

Baking Soda
baking sodaSlow draining water points to a partially clogged drain. Before water can no longer drain out, pour 1 cup of soda followed by 3 cups of boiling water. Repeat until water drains out easily and the drain is clear.

Washing Soda
A stubborn clog will prevent spent water from draining out. Pour 1 cup of washing soda down the drain to break up the clog. Wait awhile and then resume the baking soda method to ensure a clog free drain. Don't pour washing soda after treating the drain with a commercial cleaner, as both solutions will strongly react with each other. Make sure not to pour washing soda down PVC pipes as it can slowly damage the plastic.

Baking Soda and Vinegar
Pour 1 cup of soda followed by 3 cups of boiling water and 1 cup of vinegar. Baking soda and vinegar produce a fizzing reaction that helps to break up the clog.

Bathroom Drain Maintenance
Shower and bath drains tend to collect hair. Once a month pour 1 cup of washing soda followed by a thorough flushing of water to prevent hair clogs.

Ensure problem free drains by conducting the above drain cleaning methods once in a while. Preventive drain cleaning is the sure way to avoid frustrating drainage issues in the home.

Cannot unclog a troubling drain? Don't worry, simply submit the form on your right and licensed plumbers in your area will contact you ASAP.

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