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Slant Fin Boilers

Slant Fin is one of the best names in the business of boilers. You can't think of the word boiler without Slant Fin coming to mind. They have been in business a long time and they have earned the great reputation on which they pride themselves on. The Slant Fin Company has so many great boilers to choose from. The Slant Fin Gas boilers have a great reputation for being quality parts. The Sentry Gas boilers are great for either a replacement for new. They range from 34,000 to 150,000 BTU/Hr and are available in 7 sizes.

Slant Fin also offers the Sentinel Gas Boilers, it available in 70,000 to 245,000 BTU/Hr and is available in 6 sizes. The application for this gas boiler is natural draft. The Galaxy GC Gas Boiler has 75,000 to 399,000 BTU/Hr; the application is also natural draft and is available in 15 sizes. The Galaxy GX has 14 sizes and is available in 75,000 to 399,000 BTU/Hr. The application is natural draft.

The Victory VHS has 6 sizes and is available in 33,000 to 180,000 BTU/Hr but this gas boiler's application is power vent and the Victory VSPH which has 7 sizes and it is 50 and 180 MBH. The application is Induced draft and sealed combustion.

The Slant Fin Oil Boilers are great along with their gas counterparts. The Intrepid Hot Water Oil Boiler has 9 sizes and the BTU/HR is 105,000 and 469,000 with a GPH of .75 to 3.35. The application for this boiler is residential and some light commercial. The Intrepid Steam Oil boiler has 5 sizes and the BTU/Hr 154,000 to 434,000. The GPH are .75 to 3.35. The application is durability and versatility. This style is considered one of the best boilers in the world.

The Intrepid Direct Vent, this Oil Boiler is available in 3 sizes, the BTU/Hr are 103,000 and 132,000. The GPH are .75 to 3.35. This application vents directly to the outdoors and this boiler has combustion with Energy Star AFUE to 87.2 percent. The Eutectic EG 10 has 4 sizes and the BTU/Hr is 88,660-16,270 the AFUE is 86.9 percent. The application is a three pass heat exchanger that gives you the bets application of heat transfer.

The XL 2000 Oil Boilers have 6 sizes and the BTU/Hr is 78,000 to 239,000 and the GPH are .65 to 2.00 GPH. The application is hot water only. Slant Fin also has electric boilers and Modular boilers as well. These boilers are mostly used in commercial applications.

Any of these boilers that you decide to use are great. They are all affordable and made to last. If you have another brand boiler and you want to switch over to the best of the best, contact your local heating contractor, they most likely to replace what you have with a new Slant Fin Gas or Oil Boilers. You can also check your local plumbing and heating stores. If you are considering a do it yourself installation.

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